Talking to Children About Suicide

Talking to Children About Suicide

Conference: 2015 Beyond the Basics in Suicide Prevention — Pathway to Suicide Prevention: Working Toward Zero Suicide in Maine

Thursday, May 07, 2015
University of Southern Maine, Portland Workshop/Presentation: A6: Creative Pathways to Resilience: Restorative Interventions for Children, Adults and Families Coping with Suicide Bereavement
Diana Sands, PhD

A death by suicide is often traumatic and complicated for those left behind. Suicide loss puts the bereaved at a higher risk for developing a combination of trauma and grief distress that can interfere with the natural bereavement process. This workshop will draw from current research and contemporary theoretical models to examine the interplay of trauma and grief reactions as well as the prominent themes and challenges that arise following suicide loss. We will explore restorative treatment interventions designed to promote stability, emotional regulation, and resilience while providing the bereaved a safe way to process their loss and reconnect with the life and memories of the deceased. Particular consideration will be given to the importance of tailoring each intervention to the individual’s needs and interests. Participants will be invited to reflect on their own restorative practices for personal and professional self-care.