The Stages of Coming Out

The Stages of Coming Out
Conference: 2016 Beyond the Basics in Suicide Prevention — Suicide Prevention, Intervention & Hope Across the Lifespan
Friday, May 06, 2016
Cross Insurance Center, Bangor, Maine
Workshop/Presentation: A3: LGBT Lives Across the Lifespan: Building Safety and Hope – A panel discussion
For over four decades, and in spite of reports of elevated risk of suicidal behavior for LGBT individuals, little attention has been given to this problem. There is strong evidence of elevated rates of suicide attempts in these populations, while there is also limited documentation explaining the impact of stigma, violence, mental and substance disorders, age and other issues. What is clear is that education, awareness, screening and support are key in addressing LGBT suicide and suicide risk. In consult with Maine NASW-LGBT Action Committee and SAGE (Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders), this panel of representatives from across the lifespan will share their knowledge and experience with Gay Youth, Transgender, Lesbian, Bisexual, Middle Age, and Elder individuals. During this panel presentation and facilitated group discussion, members will offer perspectives from each life phase and group, identify specific experiences and developmental tasks, and overarching issues and concerns that contribute to suicidal thinking, provide hope for living, and identify areas that need attention, focus, and support.
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Tags: LGBTQ+ and Suicide Prevention. Resource Categories: Conference Materials, Information & Tools, and Workshops & Trainings. Conferences: 2016 • Beyond the Basics in Suicide Prevention.
For over four decades, and in spite of reports of elevated risk of suicidal behavior for LGBT individuals, little attention has been given to this problem. There is strong evidence of elevated rates of suicide attempts in these populations, while there is also limited documentation explaining the impact of stigma, violence, mental and substance disorders, age and other issues. What is clear is that education, awareness, screening and support are key in addressing LGBT suicide and suicide risk. In consult with Maine NASW-LGBT Action Committee and SAGE (Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders), this panel of representatives from across the lifespan will share their knowledge and experience with Gay Youth, Transgender, Lesbian, Bisexual, Middle Age, and Elder individuals. During this panel presentation and facilitated group discussion, members will offer perspectives from each life phase and group, identify specific experiences and developmental tasks, and overarching issues and concerns that contribute to suicidal thinking, provide hope for living, and identify areas that need attention, focus, and support.
Tags: LGBTQ+ and Suicide Prevention. Resource Categories: Conference Materials, Information & Tools, and Workshops & Trainings. Conferences: 2016 • Beyond the Basics in Suicide Prevention.
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- 2013 • Beyond the Basics in Suicide Prevention (11)
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- 2012 • Making it Work: Implementing Seeking Safety (4)
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- 2012 • Beyond the Basics in Suicide Prevention (15)
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