Bio | Joseph Green

Bio | Joseph Green

Joseph Green is a father, motivational speaker, educator, trainer, professional storyteller, award-winning spoken word poet, and a person in long-term recovery. In his prevention and wellness work with high school-aged youth, Joseph had designed and facilitated...

A7 Decarcerating Peer Support

Description As crisis services expand and the well-intentioned ideas around replacing “cops” with “care” gain momentum, it is important to analyze the carceral structures within mental health systems. Both family advocacy and more progressive group discussions often...

Bio | Joseph Green

Joseph Green is a motivational speaker, educator, trainer, professional storyteller, award-winning spoken word poet, and a person in long-term recovery. Joseph’s life story and work are featured in media outlets such as Youth Today, UpWorthy, PBS NewsHour, NPR, and...
Bio | Jess Stohlmann-Rainey, she/her

Bio | Jess Stohlmann-Rainey, she/her

Jess Stohlmann-Rainey (she/her) loves to talk about suicide, peer support, and liberation. She is a mad care worker located in so-called Denver (unceded ancestral lands of the Arapaho, Cheyenne, Núu-agha-tʉvʉ-pʉ̱ (Ute), and Očhéthi Šakówiŋ (Sioux) people). She is...