A Patient Bill of Rights for Psychotropic Prescriptions: A Call for a Higher Standard of Care
With the unprecedented rise in the rate of prescriptions for psychotropic medication, this session defined a Patient Bill of Rights that is consistent with evidence...
A Simple Overview of the Nurturing Parenting Programs Research, Philosophy and Constructs
This session focused on the philosophy of the Nurturing Parenting Programs. The five basic Nurturing Parenting Program Constructs were explored through interactive demonstrations. Participants had...
Adolescents at Risk for Suicide: Early Recognition and Intervention
Dr. King’s remarks provided an up-to-date overview of suicide risk factors among adolescents, highlighting several excellent targets for prevention and early intervention.
Non-suicidal self-injury in adolescents is a serious behavior in its own right but its relationship to suicide makes it crucial that clinicians understand the function...
Beyond School Suicide Awareness and Prevention Training: Trained Staff…Now What?
Maine law (passed April 2013) requires all schools to have Gatekeeper trained staff and to provide all school personnel with suicide awareness and prevention training....
Primary care is well-positioned to screen for suicide risk, provide brief interventions, and triage to specialty mental health services. The focus of this session was...
Children and Psychotropic Drugs: How Good is the Evidence?
Research on psychotropic medications is essential for prescribers to use drugs properly and safely — and for regulatory authorities to approve these drugs for public...
College Mental Health/USM Cares Suicide Prevention Program: Understanding, Responding, Connecting
This workshop will review the current status of college mental health and discuss the USM Cares Suicide Prevention program at the University of Southern Maine....
Community Connections: Suicide Prevention in Rural Primary Care
This breakout session will provide an overview of the WICHE Suicide Prevention in Rural Primary Care Toolkit and how elements of this toolkit have been...
Community Crisis Intervention — Evaluating and Maintaining Safety — Accessing Crisis Supports
Maine provides direct access to crisis intervention for anyone requesting those services via a statewide network of crisis intervention teams. In this panel discussion, the...
Frank Chessa discussed the recent media, regulatory and political attention to conflicts of interest among clinicians and the allegation that these influence treatment choices. He...
Learning how to speak and listen with compassion and empathy has the potential to make a dramatic difference in relationships and interactions. The basis of...
In this interactive workshop, participants will examine the leading crisis alternatives in the world and how we can better promote these existing alternatives. We will...
Culture, Care & Suicide Prevention: Perspectives to Develop Reflective Practices and Cultural Humility
During this interactive session, we will consider how culture frames our practice and share what we’ve learned from our suicide prevention work. Examples from Dr....
Following last year’s Beyond the Basics keynote presentation by Kelly Posner, PhD., this session will explore the experience and insight gained from over 100,000 assessments...
The exploration of the different ways how psychiatric drugs work can expand our understanding of behavioral health symptoms and recovery. The standard disease-centered model that...
In this session, Dr. Singer reviewed the reciprocal relationships between major depression, emotional resilience and chronic disease. The themes of quality of life, hopefulness, acceptance,...
Nick Szubiak — Integrated Health Consultant, National Council for Behavioral Health — has over 15 years of experience in direct service, administration and clinical supervision....
This workshop is for people who may become perplexed or anxious when attempting to intervene with individuals who engage in cutting and other self-inflicted harming...
Exploring the Potential of Value-Based Purchasing in Maine
The United States spends much more on healthcare per capita than other wealthy countries, yet overall, health outcomes in the U.S. are worse than in...
This session outlined an integrative model of assessment and intervention in mood and anxiety disorders. Dr. Simmons described the basic components of an integrative treatment...
Heart and Soul: Spiritual Care in the Journey of Recovery
A very substantial body of literature attests to the significance of various spiritual perspectives and practices for health and well-being. Increasingly, the conversation has turned...
This session offered an up-to-date critical review of psychiatric drug withdrawal, tapering, and dose reduction strategies described in the medical literature and recommendations for client-centered...
Innovative Solutions for Building Recovery with Alternatives to Psychotropic Medication
An introduction to SAMHSA and a look at some of its strategic initiatives, this session highlighted SAMHSA’s position on alternatives to medication and how it...
It has become widely accepted in the mental health field that many of the most common emotional and behavioral challenges facing children and adolescents can...
Involving Families in LGBT Youth Suicide Prevention
This presentation will summarize what we know – don’t know – about the prevalence of suicide death and suicide attempts in LGBTQ populations across the...
Suicide prevention in older adulthood is made challenging by the high lethality of older adults’ suicidal behavior; few survive their first attempt to harm themselves....
This presentation will summarize what we know – don’t know – about the prevalence of suicide death and suicide attempts in LGBTQ populations across the...
Maine’s statewide crisis intervention program is available 24/7 for anyone experiencing mental health concerns. This session will describe how crisis intervention works, what support services...
An overview of military culture, how this culture inhibits some from seeking intervention against suicide and other behavioral health assistance, and what are some of...
Military 101: An Introduction to the Structure and Culture of the Military
An overview of military culture, how this culture inhibits some from seeking intervention against suicide and other behavioral health assistance, and what are some of...
This practical and fun workshop explained how Brain Gym® works. Beth Stoddard explained the three dimensions of intelligence that relate to three areas of the...
National Trends in Substance Use, Misuse and Disorders
Dr. Kimberly Johnson — Director of Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) — opened the meeting with...
Participants will be presented with an intimate glimpse into the life and suicide death of a 19- year veteran police officer. Police culture and the...
On the Road to Suicide Prevention — Innovation in Risk Assessment: Improving Care Delivery and Redirecting Scarce Resources
Prevention depends upon appropriate identification and screening. Dr. Posner discussed a gold-standard, innovative suicide risk screening tool. Numerous states, countries, and branches of the military...
Postvention Support after a Suicide: Lessons Learned from Schools and Communities
When someone dies by suicide or a significant suicide attempt occurs, the people exposed to the loss can feel overwhelmed by the grief reaction that...
In his book, Anatomy of an Epidemic, Robert Whitaker investigates the astonishing rise in the number of people enrolled in government disability due to mental...
Psychosocial Options First: The Heart and Soul of Change
This workshop highlighted the heart and soul of the therapeutic relationship and how to measure this alliance and the outcome of therapy with the Partners...
This session explored the short term benefits and risks of psychotherapy versus medication for persons diagnosed with depression, anxiety and psychosis. A research- validated early...
Screening for Youth Suicide Risk in Emergency Medical Settings
This session provided a “best practices” update concerning brief screening approaches for use in emergency medical settings or other settings that serve large numbers of...
Separating the Wheat from the Chaff: Identification & Triage Using the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS)
Use of the C-SSRS can improve patient safety and help relieve anxiety about not having the “right questions” to ask in identifying high risk individuals....
Sexual Violence, Slut Shaming, and Suicide Prevention
Over the last few years, media reports of teens who kill themselves because of gender-based bullying, sexual harassment, and/or sexual violence have increased. This session...
State Adolescent Treatment Enhancement Dissemination (SAT-ED)
Adolescent substance abuse has long been seen as difficult to diagnose and very challenging to treat. The SAT-ED project brings to two Maine agencies an...
In this plenary presentation, Dr. Podgorski will focus on a two-pronged approach to suicide prevention in older adults—promoting mental health and reducing risk factors. She...
This session will review the known risk factors for suicide in older adults. Loss of will to live, passive suicide, rationale suicide and assisted suicide...
This session will address competencies and skills that aging service professionals need to become competent and comfortable creating senior living communities that promote good mental...
Self-directed violence, including fatal and non-fatal suicidal behavior, is a serious public health problem affecting all ages, and exacts a high toll on everyone it...
Working with or caring for people who are suicidal can lead to high levels of stress and possibly secondary trauma. This workshop helped participants identify...
Following last year’s Beyond the Basics keynote presentation by Kelly Posner, PhD., this session will explore the experience and insight gained from over 100,000 assessments...
2017 • Summit on Opioid and Other Substance Use Disorder
Embracing Substance Use Treatment and Recovery in Primary Care – A Community Approach
September 13, 2017 | Summit on Opioid and Other Substance Use Disorder: Embracing Substance Use Treatment and Recovery in Primary Care – A Community Approach...
LGBTQ identified youth in Maine report three times the rate of suicide attempts than their peers. Schools and community members can help address this issue...
This workshop will provide participants with tools to help them actively work on systems change through legislative action. Participants will see how, through working at...
The Assessment and Management of Suicide Risk: The Basics
This workshop will provide an empirically derived approach for the assessment and immediate clinical management of suicide risk. Over the last several years, there has...
The Basics of School-Based Suicide Awareness and Prevention, Including Maine’s New Training Law
This session will provide the audience with an overview of Maine’s new suicide awareness and prevention training law for school personnel that goes into effect...
The Evidence Is In: Why We Need to Develop Alternatives to Psychiatric Medications for Children
The medicating of children in our society with psychiatric drugs began with the prescribing of stimulants to children diagnosed with attention deficit disorder in the...
Dr. Kimberly Johnson — Director of Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) — discussed a number of...
The Human Rights Imperative for Far, Far More Choices in Mental Health…
David Oaks, a fearless consumer activist and advocate, provided a human rights perspective on the need for more non-drug choices in behavioral health care. Oaks...
The Jury Has Deliberated and the Verdict Is In: No First Use of Psychotropics for Children and Adolescents
This presentation summarized the first day of the conference, discussed implications, and facilitated questions from the participants to the speakers. An examination of clinical trial...
Tools for Implementing Suicide Prevention in Primary Care
The focus of this breakout session was on discussing the tools to implementing effective suicide prevention programs in the primary care setting, including training, routine...
Translating the Research on Psychotropic Medications with Children to Clinical Practice
In this follow-up session to Thursday’s plenary, Dr. Balt provided examples from the literature to explore research protocols and the problems inherent in expanding these...
Understanding, Managing, and Treating Non-Suicidal Self-Injury
One of the most challenging problems for school professionals is dealing effectively with non-suicidal self-injury. Of special concern is that self-injury has recently moved from...
This workshop will provide attendees with an overview of how to approach the topic of wellness during their supervision time. Participants will leave with a...
Working Together: Law Enforcement and Mental Health/Crisis Services
This timely discussion will highlight effective models of collaboration between local law enforcement and the regional crisis teams in their areas. Representatives from the Waterville,...
Working with Chronically Suicidal Clients is Not as Hard as You Think – Honest!
Chronically suicidal clients are often blamed for their behavior, most frequently because of the frustration of the people caring for them. This frustration is certainly...
Knowing risk and protective factors for youth suicidal behavior and understanding how they function is critical to preventing suicide. While clinicians use these factors to...
Youth Suicide Risk and Protective Factors: Implications for Prevention
Knowing risk and protective factors for youth suicidal behavior and understanding how they function is critical to preventing suicide. While clinicians use these factors to...