Mentoring shown to reduce future criminality

Mentoring shown to reduce future criminality

More than 100 people attended a Nov. 30 conference hosted by Co-Occurring Collaborative Serving Maine on how mentoring can reduce future criminality. Diverting former inmates from crime to becoming responsible and contributing citizens is a worthy goal. Estimates of...
Changing Substance Abuse Relapse Policies

Changing Substance Abuse Relapse Policies

Dr. David Mee-Lee, a leading expert in co-occurring substance abuse and mental disorders, has recommended changing how substance abuse clinicians use the word “relapse.” He published the advice below in two issues of his newsletter, “Tips and Topics.” “The general...
Helping Clients Withdraw from Psychiatric Medication

Helping Clients Withdraw from Psychiatric Medication

Are you a clinician who wants to help clients withdraw from medication successfully? Maybe you need to go through a withdrawal of your own – a withdrawal from the prescription-oriented mindset. That’s what David Cohen, Ph.D., LCSW, said at CCSME’s Innovative Solutions...
The Pitfalls of Psychotropics

The Pitfalls of Psychotropics

Has mental illness become an epidemic in the United States? Robert Whitaker, a science journalist and author specializing in mental health, says the answer is “yes.” He will speak at CCSME’s upcoming conference, “Innovative Solutions for Building Recovery with...