
Co-Occurring Collaborative Serving Maine


Maine Resiliency Center

26 Chapel Street

Lewiston, ME, US, 04240

This in-person workshop will provide skills to enhance the way you go about your work, lessening the drain and increasing emotional regulation. Participants are strongly encouraged to sign up as cohorts of supervisors and supervisees. Cohorts will be prioritized over individuals. There will be a follow-up virtual training for supervisors on December 2, 9:30-1:30.

CE-CERT is a trauma-informed and skills-based model for improving wellness, and reducing secondary traumatic stress and burn-out among helping professionals. CECERT was developed by Dr. Brian Miller (2017). As a skills model for individual workers to learn and apply, CE-CERT empowers individuals to improve their own wellness with skills under their control. Additionally, CE-CERT is a model for supervisors and leadership to learn and apply in their organizational culture and supervision of workers.

Target Audience:
A career in the helping professions can be both extremely rewarding and challenging. This is true for healthcare providers, teachers, case managers, peer support, therapists, support personnel and all members of organizations that are tasked with supporting others in healing, health, and growth. Workers may experience burn-out, compassion fatigue, secondary traumatic stress, and both work satisfaction and performance may be impacted.

Core Concepts:
CE-CERT consists of five developmental skills that can be cultivated to maintain emotion regulation of practitioners during helping sessions with persons who may be dealing with difficult circumstances. The aim of the skill development is to improve emotion regulation and to increase the meaningfulness of the job and satisfaction in the vocation. The five skill domains are:

1. Feeling the Feels (Experiential Engagement)
2. Stopping the Spin (Decreasing Rumination)
3.Creating Your Story (Conscious Narrative)
4. Finding Joy (Reducing Emotional Labor)
5. Reset and Recover (Parasympathetic Recovery)


  • SUPERVISORS: There will be a follow up VIRTUAL training for using the CE-CERT model as a supervisor on December 2, 9:30-1:30. You will receive sign-up information via email.
  • SUPERVISORS: Additionally, be sure to select enough tickets for everyone that you wish to register as you will need to enter everyone’s name and email individually. Note that you will need to enter your own information in both the “contact person” and “participant” section.
  • Financial support stipends are available to clinician participants with billable hours. Please contact Casey at once you have registered if you would like to accept this financial support.
  • To request accommodations, please contact Casey at
  • Questions? Email Casey at


This training is supported by grant number 1H07SM089706-01 from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the views or polices of SAMHSA or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).