February 27, 2024 | Exploring Workforce Needs and Opportunities for Growth



Exploring Workforce Needs and Opportunities for Growth

Tuesday, February 27th, 2024 | 1:00-2:30pm | Live virtual

CCSME recently surveyed over 400 frontline staff and leaders in the behavioral health workforce to learn about educational needs. In this webinar we’ll review the results of this survey. We’ll explore with a panel what the responses show us and how we can best respond to the needs identified through the Maine Behavioral Health Workforce Development Collaborative. You’ll have an opportunity to have your voice heard in breakout rooms. Whatever your role may be in the behavioral health workforce, whether or not you participated in the survey – we want to hear from you to help shape the future of behavioral health workforce development in Maine!


Agenda highlights:
  1. Presentation of results
  2. Panel discussion
    1. What do these responses mean?
    2. What needs are identified?
    3. How do we meet these needs?
  3. Breakout room discussion
    1. What else are we missing?
    2. What do YOU need in your professional development?
Contact hours

1.5 hours for Psychologists

1.5 hours for alcohol and drug counselors pending approval from the Maine Board of Alcohol and Drug Counselors