Bio | Dottie Farr

Bio | Dottie Farr

Ms. Farr provides training and consultation to private organizations, county governments, and state governments. Previously she was the manager of Clinical and Quality Management services for the Bucks County Department of Behavioral Health. She concurrently served as...
Bio | Gloria Baciewicz, M.D.

Bio | Gloria Baciewicz, M.D.

Since 1986, Gloria Baciewicz has specialized in the treatment of addiction. In her current role as medical director of Strong Recovery in the University of Rochester’s Department of Psychiatry, she works in education, administration, and clinical care. She is...
Bio | Monique Coombs

Bio | Monique Coombs

Monique Coombs is the director of Community Programs for the Maine Coast Fishermen’s Association (MCFA). MCFA is an industry-driven nonprofit working with fishermen to restore the fisheries in the Gulf of Maine and sustain Maine’s fishing communities for future...

Bio | Joseph Green

Joseph Green is a motivational speaker, educator, trainer, professional storyteller, award-winning spoken word poet, and a person in long-term recovery. Joseph’s life story and work are featured in media outlets such as Youth Today, UpWorthy, PBS NewsHour, NPR, and...
Bio | Jess Stohlmann-Rainey, she/her

Bio | Jess Stohlmann-Rainey, she/her

Jess Stohlmann-Rainey (she/her) loves to talk about suicide, peer support, and liberation. She is a mad care worker located in so-called Denver (unceded ancestral lands of the Arapaho, Cheyenne, Núu-agha-tʉvʉ-pʉ̱ (Ute), and Očhéthi Šakówiŋ (Sioux) people). She is...
Bio | Julia Bergquist, LCSW

Bio | Julia Bergquist, LCSW

Julia Bergquist operates as a Brunswick area private practice clinician, Bates College counselor, and as a Mental Health Coordinator at Oasis Free Clinics in Brunswick. Julia’s role at Oasis includes connecting Oasis patients to pro bono mental health services...