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  • in reply to: Week 4 Homework Assignment (Trauma-Informed Care) #31425
    Jamie Williams

    Question 1: I would first advocate to move Jacinta out of the male dominated group and into the women’s seeking safety group, given the circumstances of her trauma. Finding ways to help Jacinta feel safe while also educating myself on her culture and beliefs. Utilizing motivational interviewing to help understand what Jacinta wants to get out of treatment will help to determine what area is the primary focus initially (substance use or PTSD).

    Question 2: I would first explore Susto with Jacinta. Gather an understanding of her perception and how it impacts her life. Also find out more about if other family member’s in Jacinta’s life have experienced this and what their outcomes were. I would then doing my own research and possibly reach out to community members or other professionals with experience working with this population. Understanding my limited knowledge is part of helping Jacinta.

    Question 3: I would refer Jacinta to seeking safety within the agency. Keeping her with the same professionals allows for less barriers and better communication between providers.

    Question 4: This course has been eye opening. It has driven home the fact that clients know themselves best and their story is true to them. It helps me to remember that it’s a collaborative approach and their treatment is what they want not what I feel is best for them.

    in reply to: Week 3 Homework Assignment (Trauma-Informed Care) #31274
    Jamie Williams

    Question 1: It was heartbreaking to watch Christina’s story and see that not only did her family fail her but the health system did as well. Instead of providing treatment for the problem they provided treatment for the symptoms. Christina was not heard but instead was punished for what had happened to her. Christina went to counseling on her own and was able to eventually get sober and complete college. If I was Christina’s counselor I would first encourage her to establish personal and social connections to help her feel a connection to something bigger, loving and healing. Helping her to become spiritually led instead of people reliant in times when people may not be available. Establish a daily routine with her so she had structure and meaning/ purpose of her day/life. And encourage the client to take action towards the life she dreams to have.

    Question 2: Adverse childhood effects calculator, because it gives a broad understanding of how someone grew up and what type of support they had during childhood. Our childhood experiences condition us in how we behave in the world. The other would be the Brief trauma questionnaire. To get a starting point of understanding the level of trauma a person has experienced.

    Question 3: I would establish safety and trust. Then start to normalizing Selena’s symptoms. Helping her to understand that the ways she copes daily ( ie. Playing games as late she she can to lose track of time , leaving the tv on at night so she does not fall too soundly asleep) are the ways in which she has learned how to survive while minimizing reliving her experience through nightmares. Then develop a plan with her on how to work through her triggers and her nightmares.

    in reply to: Week 2 Homework Assignment (Trauma-Informed Care) #31203
    Jamie Williams

    Question 1: Following these guidelines promotes a safe and welcoming environment for healing to occur. Staff training at all levels is important for TIC to occur. When members of a clients care team are not in alignment with each other, it can cause clients to not feel safe or have trust in their treatment. It also leads to staff splitting and burn out. Clients need/deserve consistency with treatment that promotes healing and growth and not shame.

    Question 2: Areas in which I feel competent in are Person-centered planning, development of therapeutic alliances and recovery-oriented care. I feel strongly about consumer/ client advocacy and self-care practices for both myself, my staff and clients. I would like to work more on being competent in delivering trauma-informed and trauma-specific evidenced based interventions.

    Question 3: I do not feel Larry’s approach with this client aligned with TIC. Larry’s approach feels shaming and does not seem client centered. He lacks insight into this clients trauma and probably retraumatizes her in front of the group. It seems that Larry believes his way of recovering is the only way to recover. I believe Larry’s supervisor acknowledges the need for Larry to gain further training and insight outside of his own 12 step experience, however, does not address training for Larry to become trauma informed .

    in reply to: Week 1 Homework Assignment (Trauma-Informed Care) #30890
    Jamie Williams

    Question 1: My reaction to Anna’s story is deep sorrow for her. She was begging for help and trying to find any way/behavior to get her needs met and no one gave her an opportunity to heal. As we know, pain shared is pain lessened. She never had safety or was provided a safe place to heal and grow. Our behaviors are results of our life experiences. It reminds me to leave my biases out of interactions with clients or others in the community and to allow space for myself to believe other’s stories as they see it and not as I interpret it.

    Question 2:I feel the paradigm shift is so important. When we can view others as what they have been through and not how they are presenting. We can focus on treating all parts of them and not just behavior modification. When a client gets up to leave group with anxiety, a traditional approach may be to provide them with an anxiety medication and send them back to group where as a trauma informed approach may be for a staff member to sit down with the client, walk them through grounding techniques and coping skills and get curious with them about where the anxiety is coming from instead of masking it.

    Question 3:The environment I work in has the following principles: Safety, empowerment, voice and choice, peer support and mutual self-help. We build off of client and staff strengths, in a home like setting that is comfy and cozy. Clients participate in their plans for treatment and aftercare planning. Clients are encouraged to advocate for their needs and ask for help. We also help to integrate them into the 12 step community.

    in reply to: Introductions (Trauma-Informed Care) #30864
    Jamie Williams

    Hello, Jamie Williams, CADC. Program Manager of a residential program at Crossroads where we treat co-occuring SUD and Eating Disorders along side mental health. We are provide gender-responsive treatment with a trauma informed approach. My hopes is to gain a deeper understanding of trauma informed care in order to provide the best treatment possible to our clients and to role model and educate my staff more.

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