COURSE FULL – Please contact Casey at to be added to the waitlist.
September 30 – October, 2, 2024
–9/30 & 10/1: 8:30am-5:00pm
–10/2: 8:30am-12:30pm
Maine Resiliency Center | Lewiston, ME
***This training is intended for Maine clinicians working with individual clients and is not recommended for those in non-clinical roles. Clinicians who have worked with victims or persons affected by the mass violence event in Lewiston will be prioritized.***
Prolonged exposure teaches individuals to gradually approach their trauma-related memories, feelings and situations through psychoeducation and storytelling. This training focuses on the use of Prolonged Exposure (PE) therapy for individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It includes the theoretical and empirical basis for PE, detailed instructions on delivering the specific protocol components, role plays, videos, vignettes, and in-depth Q&A.
Participants will also receive instruction in the integration of basic therapy skills with the protocol, the application of theory in treatment planning and implementation, the integration of technology in clinical care, measurement, and targeted baseline and ongoing assessment.
At successful completion of the training, participants should be able to:
1. Conduct PE with high fidelity
2. Appropriately screen candidates for the treatment
3. Conduct ongoing psychometrically valid evaluation to guide treatment.
4. Facilitate the construction of an effective in-vivo exposure hierarchy.
5. Titrate emotional engagement during imaginal exposures to therapeutic levels.
6. Support patient completion of homework assignments.
7. Support patient non-avoidance
8. Assist patients to process trauma and decrease PTSD symptoms.
9. Implement massed exposures.
In order to become certified in Prolonged Exposure Therapy, participants must complete the training in its entirety and track a case by attending 24 biweekly case consultation meetings (dates to be determined by participants – please indicate your interest on the registration form in the “order notes” section).
Peter W. Tuerk, Ph.D is a clinical psychologist and Professor at the University of Virginia, where he serves as Director of a multidisciplinary outpatient behavioral health training clinic. Dr. Tuerk specializes in evidence-based treatments (EBTs) for anxiety-spectrum disorders, related research and training, and the integration of technology into clinical care. He conducts research and clinical trials focused on the augmentation of evidence-based treatments, serving as Principal Investigator on NIH, VA, and DoD research awards, integrating artificial intelligence, virtual reality, mobile health, applied psychophysiology, and crowd sourcing into clinical care settings. As a scientist-practitioner, Dr. Tuerk maintains an active patient case load is the author of 120 peer-reviewed publications, book chapters, and commissioned government reports. He has served in lead roles for international system-wide PTSD clinical training and dissemination initiatives for the US and Australian Departments of Veterans Affairs and for regional clinical training initiatives in 25 US states, Puerto Rico, and Japan. He is the recipient of VA’s highest honor, the Olin E. Teague Award for outstanding career achievement in the rehabilitation of war-injured veterans.
Contact hours:
18 contact hours for social workers, licensed clinical professional counselors, and behavioral health professionals
18 category I contact hours for psychologists. CCSME is a pre-approved sponsor and provider of Professional Education Activities for Psychologists.
18 contact hours for Alcohol and Drug Counselors pending approval from the Maine Board of Alcohol and Drug Counselors.
18 contact hours for CHES. CCSME is a designated provider of continuing education contact hours (CECH) in health education by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc.
Financial support is available to clinician participants with billable hours. Please contact Casey at once you have registered if you would like to accept this financial support.
To request accommodations, please contact Casey at
Attendees are required to be present for 100% of all training sessions and complete the course evaluation in order to receive a certificate. Partial credit will not be awarded.
This training is supported by grant number 1H07SM089706-01 from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the views or polices of SAMHSA or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).